They’ve All Taken Part in the Most Successful Self-Defense Training Ever Developed which has made them all:

Fearless Street Fighters

Now You Can Learn These Killer, Cutting-Edge Moves and Get this "Elite" Instruction – For Way Less Money Than These Government Agencies were charged!
I’m so confident that this program will increase your confidence and give you the best fighting strategy to dominate any attacker – that I’ll give you a free 14 day trial if you enter my new online classroom today!
Get The Fearless Street Fighter Program Now!

Sifu Matt Numrich

Who some will ask?

I’ll understand if you’re new to underground self-defense and Reality Street focused martial arts, and don’t recognize the name. But to Street Fighting enthusiasts, Sifu Matt Numrich is the name to know when it comes to reaching a deeper, more thorough understanding of military battle-tested martial arts program (see him in the above pics teaching a handpicked group of elite students). Sifu Matt has personally logged over TWENTY THOUSAND teaching hours specializing in this form of self-defense, as opposed to more traditional arts, and even sport centered arts which have cropped up over the last decade. When all the well-known teachers started jumping on the “mixed martial arts” bandwagon, Sifu Matt stayed true to the methods and principles of street focused fighting. He realized there is a huge difference between “cage martial arts or MMA” and real street fighting self-defense. NOT knowing this difference will get you seriously hurt or even killed out in the street. And it has served him well. You see, Sifu Matt isn’t your ordinary Self-Defense Instructor. He’s the guy who:

  • The US Air Marshals contacted on how to help defend our skies after the September 11th terrorist attacks
  • Has personally taught members of the elite police, military, and other law enforcement agencies.
  • Taught the US Army and Navy on several occasions, where in turn they have implemented his system into the Gulf Wars.
  • Sifu Matt Numrich has published articles internationally on self defense for over a DECADE, and has contributed to other self-defense books.
  • Is among only a handful of worldwide instructors specifically interviewed by Black Belt Magazine when it came to understanding Bruce Lee’s contributions to the world of self defense.

And Sifu Matt continues to teach this system to this day in his own personal academies – continually refining his knowledge, honing his moves and standing firm in his belief that anyone – ANYONE, can learn this time-tested art.

And – Just In Case You STILL Think that his system Is Another “MMA Spinoff” That Only Big, Beefy Meatheads Would Be Interested In…

The fact is – Doesn’t everyone have the right to protect themselves and those they love? And why shouldn’t everyone get a chance to learn the best possible techniques against an attacker?

There’s Just One Problem…

With all the calls from martial arts experts, magazines and other professionals – not to mention supporting his students and proteges in their training,Sifu Matt’s time has become severely limited.

And since many people live in areas of the world where access to good self-defense training is incredibly hard to find (if not outright BANNED) – Sifu Matt has done the next best thing to ensure that everyone, regardless of age, background, gender, skill level and fitness level – has a “fighting chance”

He’s Bringing His Step-by-Step, One on One Instruction Directly To You – Just Like He is right in the room with you!

It’s called the Fearless Street Fighter Program, and it’s the only program that not only shows you the moves, techniques and explanations step by step, but also works with you one on one – just like having an experienced Sifu (teacher) right there with you, showing you the steps you need to know!

He will teach you this information through his patent “Matrix teaching structure”. Don’t let the term “Matrix” scare you – it sounds like a lot to absorb but it’s really an illustration that combines the core training principles of this unique system into one flawless program that will help you achieve true mastery over this proven art.

Each lesson has been carefully crafted NOT just to show you what you need to know, but also to chip away what you DON’T need – the ineffective, outdated, wrong or downright dangerous moves that could pose injury or even death to you.

Sifu Matt doesn’t kid around. He doesn’t delve into the fluffy theory stuff that “might” work. As a Certified Instructor for over 17 years – Matt has finally unlocked the exact secrets you need to become a successful student – in RECORD TIME.

It is not just “what” he teaches in this program, but HOW he teaches it to you.

Here’s What You’ll Learn in Just Minutes a Day With the Fearless Street Fighter program:

(And the “How” Is What You Won’t Learn in ANY Other Self Defense Program!)

Each of the 16 Core Instructional Units concentrates on one specialty of self defense. Sifu Matt has broken these down into four categories, consisting of Five Areas of Self-Defense:

Each of these DVDs have been professionally recorded in High Definition and edited, so it’s as if you’re standing in the dojo with a highly-skilled expert fighter. Each DVD set is broken down into complete chapters like chunks, so you can listen, learn and practice on the key areas central to your knowledge and development of different key skills.

  • Kick-Boxing Range

    For example, as part of DVDs 1-2, Kick-Boxing Range, you’ll learn:
    • On the first day! UNIQUE tools not taught in any regular kickboxing class!
    • The only three times you can (and should!) hit someone
    • The secret recipe that opens up your opponent any time you want to strike them.
    • The brutal difference between proactive and reactive self defense strategies (knowing these could save your life!)
    • How to beat the toughest street fighters out there by learning to throw a secret move all of the pros use (and why so few people know how to do it right!)
    • How to create lethal “spears” without any material or weapons at hand
    • And much, much more!
  • Weapons Defense

    And speaking of spears, DVDs 3-4 will take you from using your hands and feet as weapons to learning how to properly arm yourself and take down an attacker using ANY weapon available to you – including:
    • The triple threat! URGENT strategies which will change your whole perception of weapons defense!
    • How to use the “50% point” tip to protect yourself from a knife attack
    • How to disarm an attacker instantly with a super-effective and simple hold technique
    • What if they’ve got a gun? How to react to defend yourself and those you love.
    • What hand to hold your weapon on (you’ll definitely be surprised by this one!)
    • The single weapons drill that adds instant effectiveness and deadly accuracy to your footwork, weapons handling and fighting.
    • And much more!
  • Ground Fighting

    That’s where DVDs 5-6 focusing on Ground Fighting, comes in. You can tackle the biggest, roughest street fighters or so-called “Mixed Martial Arts” fanatics by pitting their moves against them – without the clutter of useless techniques like katas or “tournament safe” moves that do absolutely nothing to help you in a street fight!
    • With very little work – USEFUL ground moves which are one step “game enders”!
    • How to make use of any position on the ground to defend yourself against heavier or stronger opponents.
    • How to select the very best moves from Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Filipino martial arts and use them to your advantage
    • A literal “toolbox” of strikes, submissions and other moves you can use on any attacker who tries to take you to the ground.
    • How to triple the chances that anyone who knocks you down will be trying to claw their way off of you after they see what they’ve started
    • Two easy moves that can help you take an attacker to the ground INSTANTLY.
    • Plus a lot more!
  • Close Quarters & Mass Attack

    I’m talking about things like:
    • ULTRA SPECIAL information not taught in any martial arts school around you, or seen on any youtube videos!
    • The critical move you must make when being attacked by two or more people (and no, it isn’t curling up in a ball and hoping they go away!)
    • The exact formula you can use to take down three attackers using the same moves every time!
    • How to train for “Mass Attack” using deadly-accurate moves that take you into the heart of the fight
    • How “zoning” can help you immediately disable one attacker when three or more are advancing on you from different angles
    • Plus everything you need to know about the elite range of Close Quarters! There is so much more I don’t have time to tell you about!


Bruce Lee (the one who changed martial arts forever) believed that if you weren’t flexible and changing, you’d never succeed in a street fight. That’s because street fighting doesn’t happen in a dojo or at a tournament. It’s constantly changing, mutating and evolving into forms that are more powerful, and more deadly.

And if you can’t adapt – you’re at a huge risk (not to mention an easy target!)

“Listen to what many of Sifu Matt’s students say about the information he teaches through his curriculum and “in person” training option you’ll learn more about later which changes your life in three short months!:”

The Fearless Street Fighter Evolves and Changes to Meet Your Self-Defense Needs and Give You More than Just a “Fighting Chance”!

By its very nature, a real street fight is flexible and adaptable. You might find yourself face-to-face with a criminal who’s intent on taking your money and your life… The first couple DVD will teach you how to end this fight in 3-5 seconds.

Although it might start as a kick boxing/long ranged fight, what if he pulls a knife – at which you’ll be able to use the weapons training you learned in the second set of DVDs to successfully disarm him.

You may be forced to resort to rough, dirty street fighting that lets you take down your opponent before he knows what hit him… and you’ll learn that set of secret moves in the next set of DVDs.

And if he calls out for his criminal buddies to rush you – you’ll know exactly how to handle and dispatch all of them, just as you’ll learn in the last couple DVDs.

Think about it – An entire self-defense course taught by a master – Sifu Matt Numrich, the very person that karate and self-defense magazines call up when they need a real expert. You’d easily pay $4,000 or more for individualized instruction and lessons. But you can’t put a price on the most valuable thing you’ll be protecting:

Your Life – And The Lives of Those that Depend on You!

So really, you shouldn’t be asking “how much does it cost?” when not being prepared will cost YOU dearly! Even at 75% off his $4,000 fee, this entire fighting course is still not within the range of the average student – especially considering everything you’ll get here:

As you can see, the 8 DVDs are just a part of the program. Sifu Matt also created the THREE part Manual which he’ll throw in for FREE ($99 value).

Here is what this thick book contains:
The Matrix Curriculum – Discover precisely what you’ll be learning, in simple but eye-opening detail with the curriculum overview. Each of the lessons are displayed here, along with information on HOW to do it and WHY – plus how to combine what you’ve learned to reach the coveted “X-Factor” of life saving training. Each curriculum lesson is chapter indexed on the DVDs for easy search and find, saving you tons of time!
Detailed Curriculum Definitions and Descriptions “Cheat Sheet” – Get the most out of your training by learning WHAT you need, plus exactly what drills to do to hone your self-defense skills… Step by Step. Sifu Numrich guides you on explaining exactly what a technique does, as well as the principle behind it – so you’re never left wondering and confused. This “cheat sheet” is brain dead easy to understand, saving you headaches many other programs cause by making their programs disorganized.
The Matrix Curriculum – Discover precisely what you’ll be learning, in simple but eye-opening detail with the curriculum overview. Each of the lessons are displayed here, along with information on HOW to do it and WHY – plus how to combine what you’ve learned to reach the coveted “X-Factor” of life saving training. Each curriculum lesson is chapter indexed on the DVDs for easy search and find, saving you tons of time!

You’ll be able to download this Manual, Cheat Sheets and Pictorial Guides immediately when you order via downloadable e-Book in PDF format. What other program teaches its information through video, written instruction and pictures? Can you now understand why this program is ground breaking? But there is more…


Because of the overwhelming amount of info taught in the program, Sifu Matt hesitated giving it all to you at once!!!

He takes all of the guess work out of what to do today, tomorrow – or next week. You’ll get the exact amount of info you’ll need for that lesson – and NOT an ounce more which might confuse you.

Whichever pace you learn from, Sifu Matt will personally lead you through:

  • The training videos covering each lesson
  • Detailed Curriculums, Definitions and Descriptions in written form
  • Guide Pictures for each and every technique, drill and concept
  • And much more!

You’ll be able to download the Videos, Cheat Sheets and Pictorial Guides immediately when you purchase the program. This is 100x’s better than carrying around, damaging and eventually losing DVDs. Everything will be accessible through the web and your personal password which we’ll email to you – so you can get the info where ever you are and whenever you want!

JUST UPDATED! We’ve made these videos viewable through your mobile devices, smart cell phones and tablets (i.e. iPad) That means you can take your personal “Sifu”, instruction and lessons with you anywhere!

Want more? How about these six MUST-HAVE bonuses:

Here is the catch…

Because there are additional secret extras involved with this program, Sifu Matt has to limit the amount of active students he has with the program. Sifu Matt focuses on the quality, not quantity. He does this to make sure everyone who purchases the program has direct access to him for questions, tips and even more training! What course can even think of delivering that kind of quality and value? None!

The Complete Program isn’t going to cost you $4,000, or even $1,000 (even though it is easily worth that). The Complete program with all of the videos on the 8 DVDs, Manual, Curriculum, Pictorial Guide and tons of extras you see below (plus more we didn’t list) can be yours.

The catch is that because we focus on quality, not taking in tons of online students, our openings are limited and rare. If the buy buttons below go to a payment page it means we’re open. If not, our new group of online students are closed.



See What Students Have To Say

You’d be surprised to know that Sifu Matt has instructed men, women, teenagers, senior citizens, veterans, the disabled and even children in this Ultimate System. Read what these people have to say about Sifu Matt Numrich’s instruction: